--- THE ADVENTURE BEGINS--- [Space Lo��� - Log Date - 08102023] [TRA���ITTING] [Inc��� Cross Link Message from Buke:] Slanders, I h���n you read this? IT WORKED! AM DOING THE JUMP RN! You cannot belive what I see ...... ..䕕.[WARNING LOW LINK SIGNAL - REESTABLISHING TRANSMISSION]... .... ^..隆袈 ving this might actually help me, well us. I’m ��� in here. Fix the ....ceship comm module to make the ship working again and escape from this nightmare ...... again. Not everything is linked up, start by gaining access to all controls...Slanders!! we are lo���ng the connect葵....[WARNING].葧ሴ... [SIGNAL LOST] - No No No No!!, Damn It!....... Great. Looks like going through the wormhole corrupted the communication module's settings. SHIT! We knew this could've happened during jumps but that's why we had added EM reactive nano-cells on the module surface!!. Now I'm alone in space 2.537 million lightyears away. I must fix this...somehow.. > OK >